In compliance with the DMCA, upon receiving a valid takedown notice, we will swiftly remove or block access to the allegedly infringing material. We may also take additional actions as required by applicable laws. Be advised that your DMCA notice, along with your contact details, may be forwarded to the alleged infringer to help resolve the issue. If you believe that content was mistakenly taken down or restricted, you may file a counter-notice under the DMCA by submitting the following: Identification of the content that was removed or inaccessible and the location of such content on the Site. Your contact information, including full name, address, phone number, and email address. A sworn statement that you believe the removal or restriction was due to an error or misidentification. A statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the federal district court in your district (or, for international users, any district where the Site is subject to legal proceedings) and agreeing to accept service of process from the person who issued the DMCA notice. Your physical or digital signature.